Thursday, 24 September 2015

The FIRST meeting of the KOYLI Memorial 23rd September 2015

It was an historic moment to be present with my KOYLI mates, the Chairman being our very own Dave Wroe, who led us through the obectives of the very first meeting ably assisted by Malcolm (Crowie) Moore, the originator of the memorial fund, Colin Cranswick the Secretary, major Backhouse, Pete shields the monuments expert, Tim Humphreys, Pete Bate, Geoff Holland, Geordie Anderson, Joe Thwaites, Korky Evans,  you will see the other lads who attended in the photos I took

As far as I am concerned, The Kings Own Yorkshire Light was the best of the best, my grand father served in the regiment in the First World war, Pete Bate's father served in the regiment in the 2nd World war

God bless the 2 nd Light Infantry the son of this great regiment, but in 1968 when we lost our county name it was VERY sad, but saying that I was PROUD, to serve with such BRAVE men of the 2 LI in our active service role in Northern Ireland and in peace times

I do hope that Dave Wroe can convince the KOYLI Council to let us go ahead with the erection of the KOYLI memorial

God Bless

Cede Nullis


  1. If any of your members are also British Legion Thurnscoe Branch members can I please remind them that we have our AGM on Thursday 22nd October 2015 at 6.45 pm and the venue is "the Ship" (Thurnscoe WMC High Street Thurnscoe). We would love to see as many people as possible, and if there is anyone who is not a member and would like to join the branch please feel free to come along, everyone will be made very welcome. Thank you Evelyn Bradley Welfare Officer/Treasurer/Acting Secretary. Good Luck with your new group I hope it goes well

  2. Thank you very much Eve, I will let them know, thank you for your comment, very kind
